Who knew?!
I am so honored that Staci from The Confused Quilter gave me a Stylish Blogger award! Isn't that such a thoughtful thing for her to do? Especially since I don't know her (maybe that's why she gave me one!). Stylish or not, I am very grateful for the award...thanks so much Staci!
There are 2 rules for this award (and a I am definately playing along, I don't want my award taken away!):
1. I have to share 8 things about myself
2. I have to pass the award to 8 other blogs
That is quite a task!
Ok, here are 8 things about myself...hope they don't bore you!
1. My given name is really Beth, not Elizabeth or Bethany. Actually, it drives me crazy when people ask me what my "real" name is.
2. I met my childhood best friend before I even knew what the word "friend" meant. We still keep in contact after over 30 years of friendship (thanks Kristine for teaching me what true friendship is!)
3. I always wanted to be a Mom and a Teacher (neither is appreciated enough!). I never technically became a teacher but I'd like to think that I teach my boys a few things here and there.
4. I didn't graduate from college (maybe my only true regret).
5. I met my hubby when I was 18, married him when I was 23 (best thing I ever did was say "yes"), I had our first son 1 week before I turned 24, had our second son at 26, had our 3rd son at 29. They are my angels, my sunshine, my stars, my life!
6. I have been a SAHM for 10 1/2 years.
7. I started sewing about 2 1/2 years ago. I grabbed the kids and my new sewing machine and drove over 3 hours to my bestie's house in Iowa. We played with the kids during the day and at night she taught me how to sew. We had so much fun and I am thankful for her for so many reasons, this only being 1 of them (thank you, Terra!).
8. I am planning on going back to school in 2012. I don't know exactly what I want to be when I grow up but I think it's time I try to figure it out (I can't believe I just shared that one. Now I have to do it!)
Ok, now for some blogs I think you would enjoy. I decided to list different bloggers than the ones on my sidebar. Ya know, to promote some newbies (like me!).
1. Misserincrafts
2. Where do I go from here?
3. Burgundy Buttons
4. Handmade by Heidi
5. Audrey Pawdrey
6. Nap Time Quilter
7. Puking Pastilles (you may know her from my cape tutorial reference!)
8. Bitty Bits and Pieces
Have fun checking out all of these great blogs! Thanks again to Staci for honoring me with a Stylish Bloggers award!
Blush 'n' Butterscotch Jelly Roll Quilt
2 days ago
Hey Beth! Enjoyed your 8 things. Nice getting to know you a little better.
Hooray to going back to school! :)
Hi Beth! You so deserve this award! I love your 8 things. We have most of them in common, minus the sewing part( their might still be hope for me..LOL) I did the "back to school" thing too because I regretted not finishing my degree( I only have an associates). I quit the "back to school" thing even though I made straight A's and I realized my 3 monkeys still need me more than I ever imagined! Yes, they need you more the older they get. :) Anyway, I love your list and I love the things you make, so keep sewing! Also, I have no idea when I will trek to your house to pick up my latest order. If you are interested, I have another order for you...I'm not sure if you like all of my orders or not, so if you don't....PLEASE tell me.
Thank you so much for mentioning me! You make some wonderful things, and we have both been sewing for the same amount of time. Thanks again!
Wow! Whoulda thunk! Thanks so much!
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