Friday, February 3, 2012


It's been a very busy week around here!  Sadly, I haven't gotten any sewing done since Sunday.  But here are a few pics to show you what has been keeping me so busy.

Who knew 3 little boys could put this many dents in our wall!


How did I get this job!

The boards and wall in between will be painted white.
A HUGE thanks to the hubby & our wonderful neighbor for getting this done

I have been tearing down wallpaper, spackling, sanding, wiping walls and painting all week.  There is still lots to do but I have high hopes of getting all of the painting finished by tomorrow night (and hopefully the house put back together too!).  Wish me luck!

Hope your weekend is relaxing!


Amanda Jean said...

good luck! that's a lot of dents in your wall. but it's gonna be awesome when it's all done. hope it all goes's so hard to have your house in a shuffle during projects.

Cathy (cdc) said...

It certainly looks like you have been hard at work. I'm sure it will be worth it once finished! What color are you using, I love it?