Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have fond memories of picking out our family Christmas tree every year when I was a kid.  My sister, brother and I waited in anticipation for my Dad to get home from work.  We would all load up in the stationwagon (boy was that thing ugly!) and head over to Our Lady of Lourdes Church to buy our beloved tree.  We would all run around searching for the perfect one.  Each of us standing by the one we thought would be the "chosen" one.  Screaming "Mom, Dad, come look at this one!"  We didn't always bring home the one I picked out which caused a little disappointment but not enough to keep me from enjoying decorating the tree once we got home.  Putting on tinsil (which I don't use now...what a mess!) was my absolute favorite thing to do.  As we got older, we didn't help much with the decorating and my Mom eventually put up a fake tree (actually, she puts up 5!!!).  They are all beautifully decorated.

When I moved out of my parent's house xx years ago there was no doubt that I would be getting a real tree once Christmas came around.  Now that I am married and we have 3 boys I am SO happy to carry on the tradition of getting our family tree each year.  Today, we went on an adventure at Pumpkins and Pines to find the perfect one (and I think we found it!).  It's even more enjoyable now to see my boys having so much fun.  It brings back so many wonderful memories from my childhood.   Here are some pics of our little adventure...

A little fun on our walk up to all of the trees...

Boys will be boys

no matter how old :)

The search is on!

We found it!!  Thankfully everyone agreed so there were no tears :)

Each of the boys took a turn at cutting down the tree...

While Dad took over the boys played hide and seek.

Tag!  You're it!

We hitched a ride back up to the shop. 

Silly boys!

Our view on the way beautiful.

Sipping on some hot chocolate while waiting for our tree to be shaken...yummy!

 No matter if you go on your own adventure to find the perfect tree or if you simply take a trip into your storage area to get your tree the memories are sure to be treasured by you and your family.  I would love to hear about any Christmas tree traditions you have :).  Happy decorating!!



Anonymous said...

I love putting up our tree each year. We stick with the fake tree, but it always gets decorated with all the mismatched, sentimental, store bought & homemade, anything goes ornaments! We always have so much fun decorating it!

~ Meagan

Alicia said...

What fun memories! We did that as a family when I was little, and my husband and I even did it a couple of years. This year, alas, is a fake tree, but only because there will be alot of time we won't be around to water it!

Jenny said...

how adorable! i remember tree hunting with my dad too...but then the pic was of a dad with 3 girls!!