Monday, November 28, 2011


Whew!  What a busy week!  It was so nice to be able to spend our Thanksgiving with all of our family but after 3 celebrations I was exhausted ;)  A little relaxation and some quality time with my sewing machine was just what I needed yesterday.  I was able to get my DP quilt top done (and on time!)...whoo hoo!!!

I want to give Kristie from OCD and Kate from Needle and Spatula a BIG thanks for hosting the DP Quilt~a~long.  They challenged me to step out of my sewing comfort zone with all of those curved seams and I am so happy I did.  This is the first quilt I have made for myself and I absolutely love how it turned out!  So much that I am going to send it out to be quilted.  It deserves better than my not~so~straight quilting ;)  I also have thoughts of another DP quilt with this layout in black and white.

You can see more great DP quilt finishes here

You can also find more inspiration for all kinds of sewing projects at the blogs below.  Just click on the picture or link.

Linking up to:

Finish it up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts
Hope your day is splendid!


Kelli said...

LOVE it! Great job on the color choices and the layout. Can't wait to see your black and white one of these days.

Katy Lautzenhiser said...

WOW, Beth! The colors you selected are gorgeous! It's been so fun watching you mature in your sewing:) Thanks for sharing with us.

Autumn Halterman said...

Oh Beth!! Your quilt turned out absolutely gorgeous!!! I love it!! That was fast!!!

Little Island Quilting said...

Lovely layout

Cathy (cdc) said...

I love it. Great work!!

Kristie said...

It is so, so pretty. Ours are essentially mirror images of eachother! My flowers are solid and yours are patterned. And I am getting mine long armed, too :) Great minds think alike!! It has been so fun doing this with you, Beth! You did a great job!

Kate S. said...

I'm so glad you joined in the QAL and I love how your quilt turned out - the scrappy look is awesome in these fabrics! Great job!

Vanessa said...

Absolutely beautiful! Love the colors.

Emily said...

Beautiful colors, beautiful design, beautiful quilt!

CityHouseStudio said...

An absolutely gorgeous quilt, I love it!
Beautiful job!

Christine L said...

Wonderful job on your quilt. I love the colors
Congrats on a great Finish!

Amanda Jean said...

it looks fabulous, Beth! i love the layout, the colors, and look at those curves! aren't they oddly satisfying to piece? (I love to piece curves like this!) yours look wonderful!

thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!

Judy said...

Wow, that turned out beautiful! I love the colors.

Cathy said...

WOW!! Great Drunkards Path quilt. I love your fabric choices.

maria said...

Well done with the curved piecing. I must try it soon.

Heather said...

You did a fantastic job on this quilt. Just beautiful! :o)

Dayna said...

Oh my word, this is so fantastic! And you've made my day by saying that you're sending it out to be quilted. I think that's who I am inside. :-) I have a couple of quilting roadblocks, and that's definitely one of them. Wonderful job! Beautiful quilt!

Alli said...

Your top is fantastic! You did a wonderful job of mixing up the prints. :)

Manda said...

Wow that is amazing!

ktquilts said...

I love the block and all its various layouts. You have a stunning quilt. I so identify with your blog name too!!

felicity said...

I love your choice of background fabric - interesting and different, and beautiful. A DP quilt is on my bucket list. Someday....

trish said...

Your quilt is fabulous! :0)
Have a nice weekend.
Sincerely. Trish

Unknown said...

Wow amazing job! You are truly talented. I'd love it if you'd stop by my blog and check out the giveaway I'm having for a Dremel Trio!

Susana Neiger said...

Beautiful work! I just recently dared to try Drunkard's Path blocks for the first time, and I was surprised to find them not-as-hard-as-I'd-thought! Yours are awesome!